lauantai 12. tammikuuta 2019

A New Beginning!

From now on, due to the increasing difficulties I have had with Weebly's blog feature, Nokkaeläimet will continue here! Our previous site with all the posts will remain there in the never ending jungle that is the internet, so if you ever want to check out something from a previous post, you can do it there. 

I will continue the blog in English, but some posts will be in Finnish. I will try to write mostly in English to serve every reader, but some topics may be more so familiar with the Finnish readers, meaning writing it in English really serves no purpose. 

The blog will also take a slight turn from very long, very informative posts that require increasing amount of research to shorter, a bit less professional ones. This is because I feel writing articles "for nothing" was a bit time consuming and tiring. I want to post once a week from now on and include more personal experiences about stuff as well as just moments of our lives. Take things a bit less "seriously", if I may say so. 

I hope transferring the blog to Blogger also makes it easier for all of you to join as readers and hopefully stay in touch with comments and likes. Things like that didn't really work that well in Weebly.

As you may notice, the look of the blog has changed, too. All the pictures you see in The Court and around the blog in general are, if not mentioned otherwise, sketched by me and lined and colored digitally by my very gifted, very dear friend Saiccu. You may now go and immediately follow her in her deviantart site here

Without further ado, welcome aboard! May you be a new face or an old follower, I am equally happy to "see" you!  

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